Luis Git Log


39 Complete 69 Total Tasks

In Progress

2 Started 30 Pending

Average Time to Complete

24 hours

Average Commits


Task ID Created By Task Body Created Completed Minutes to Complete
109 Luis Juarez Create a new project dashboard that keeps track of the last update required @2024-08-24 15:50:19 -28741910.316667
108 Luis Juarez Homepage UI update for deprecated projects @2024-08-24 15:49:53 -28741909.883333
107 Luis Juarez Update Projects on homepage to have labels and allow filtering on those labels, maybe categories for project type @2024-08-24 15:49:36 -28741909.6
106 Luis Juarez Refactor homepage new UI @2024-08-24 15:49:10 -28741909.166667
105 Luis Juarez Update home page CSS @2024-08-12 23:38:57 -28725098.95
104 Luis Juarez Fix encoding issue with TOD card content @2024-06-26 23:21:13 2024-06-26 23:21:20 0.11666666666667
103 Luis Juarez Expose a way to view task notes in the context menu @2024-06-22 02:02:51 -28650362.85
102 Luis Juarez Add animation when a task moves to a new status @2024-06-22 02:02:26 -28650362.433333
101 Luis Juarez Add a new table for personal logs vs dev tasks @2024-06-22 02:01:53 -28650361.883333
100 Luis Juarez Make sure that new entries escape special characters like double quotes proper"ly - this will be "testing" a bunch of 'different' quotes. @2024-06-10 06:33:09 2024-06-22 14:20:20 17747.183333333
99 Luis Juarez Open 529 for luna @2024-06-08 13:47:43 -28630907.716667
98 Luis Juarez Make a kanban style view where tasks can be dragged and dropped @2024-06-07 23:22:41 2024-06-22 01:15:38 20272.95
97 Luis Juarez Be able to close a task with internal comments @2024-06-07 23:21:45 2024-06-22 01:53:41 20311.933333333
96 Luis Juarez Enhance the TODO List to put items into "In Progress" status @2024-06-07 23:21:08 2024-06-22 01:16:04 20274.933333333
95 Luis Juarez Dev Post Migration: Easy way to write and edit posts - either library or write an editor @2024-01-06 23:43:17 -28409743.283333
94 Luis Juarez Dev Post Migration: Save posts to DB @2024-01-06 23:42:53 -28409742.883333
93 Luis Juarez Dev Post Migration: Add custom font @2024-01-06 23:42:33 2024-01-06 23:49:32 6.9833333333333
92 Luis Juarez Need to set up cyprus testing @2023-12-20 14:53:14 -28384733.233333
91 Luis Juarez ReverseSend needs socials updated or icons removed @2023-11-19 13:49:56 -28340029.933333
90 Luis Juarez ToD has a bug with "play all" where after the first card it takes the user back to home. @2023-11-19 13:49:17 2023-12-16 14:56:34 38947.283333333
89 Luis Juarez Create a delete user from group method in the gift exchange app @2023-11-09 16:54:45 -28325814.75
88 Luis Juarez Gift Exchange Enhancement: Allow users to see previous years/groups @2023-11-07 02:18:43 -28322058.716667
87 Luis Juarez Gift Exchange Enhancement: Allow one user to enter multiple groups @2023-11-07 02:18:35 -28322058.583333
86 Luis Juarez Gift Exchange Enhancement: Have a year over year feature @2023-11-07 02:18:27 -28322058.45
85 Luis Juarez Link all beta sign up sheets to the email list DB with a column for what they are looking for @2023-11-05 12:57:04 -28319817.066667
84 Luis Juarez InstaMeGPT needs integration @2023-11-05 12:23:10 -28319783.166667
83 Luis Juarez update gift exchange site so view and edit are only clickable if a cookie exists (user logged in) @2023-10-29 20:38:41 -28310198.683333
82 Luis Juarez fix speedway account @2023-10-03 11:28:19 -28272208.316667
81 Luis Juarez photospots needs image optimization @2023-09-22 22:41:57 -28257041.95
80 Luis Juarez Update DevLog timeline page to show created and completed @2023-09-22 22:13:54 -28257013.9
79 Luis Juarez build web socket php app @2023-09-01 20:57:49 2023-09-04 01:45:27 3167.6333333333
78 Luis Juarez fix Kylees domain thing @2023-08-26 11:47:25 -28217507.416667
77 Luis Juarez Call Delta about tickets @2023-08-16 00:03:37 2023-08-17 21:46:24 2742.7833333333
76 Luis Juarez test Text based new task to confirm it's working 👍🏽 @2023-07-30 12:25:52 2023-07-30 12:26:29 0.61666666666667
75 Luis Juarez Update Cron job so it sends at 9pm every day instead of midnight @2023-07-28 13:30:00 2023-07-28 13:31:36 1.6
74 Luis Juarez Improve styling on buttons for home page @2023-07-06 01:56:39 2023-07-10 10:50:14 6293.5833333333
73 Luis Juarez Figure out Volaris flight stuff @2023-07-06 01:04:02 2023-07-22 12:38:33 23734.516666667
72 Luis Juarez Add Styling to mailList @2023-07-02 13:11:48 2023-07-06 00:41:16 5009.4666666667
71 Luis Juarez Migrate my photoSpots mobile app to the latest version of React Native @2023-07-02 13:10:42 -28138390.7
70 Luis Juarez Add unit tests to my project @2023-06-29 23:54:28 -28134714.466667
69 Luis Juarez Idea: Video Series - "How to write plain code" - short video tutorials using no frameworks or libraries @2023-06-28 00:27:03 -28131867.05
68 Luis Juarez Write a new blog post by the end of the week @2023-06-19 10:07:29 2023-07-28 14:02:08 56394.65
67 Luis Juarez Get my blog posts into a database or more portable format. @2023-06-19 10:07:00 -28119487
66 Luis Juarez Instagram Post form should query an LLM for caption and hashtag recommendations @2023-06-19 09:42:34 -28119462.566667
65 Luis Juarez Create a form that creates a post to instagram @2023-06-19 09:41:44 -28119461.733333
64 Luis Juarez Call Chase/United to figure out cancelled flight credit @2023-06-08 10:24:08 2023-07-28 14:38:14 72254.1
62 Luis Juarez set up ability to close a task via sms @2023-06-05 09:44:04 2023-07-28 14:09:16 76585.2
61 Luis Juarez Set up ability to ask for a list of open tasks via sms @2023-06-05 09:43:56 2023-06-28 00:42:24 32578.466666667
60 Luis Juarez Set up ability to create new tasks via sms @2023-06-05 09:43:34 2023-07-28 14:24:03 76600.483333333
50 Luis Juarez Need to implement a check to avoid double submits @2023-06-01 20:04:38 2023-06-01 21:00:48 56.166666666667
48 Luis Juarez Need to use my Delta flight credit @2023-06-01 13:29:13 2023-08-05 22:25:07 94135.9
47 Luis Juarez Add a confirmation alert after the form is submitted that the task was created successfully. Maybe respond with the task id @2023-05-31 23:54:11 2023-06-01 21:05:15 1271.0666666667
46 Luis Juarez Create a cron job that runs a script to log open tasks @2023-05-31 23:53:32 2023-07-10 12:57:22 56943.833333333
45 Luis Juarez Add metadata to the page, specifically for a preview thumbnail on links @2023-05-29 17:59:44 2023-05-30 23:21:59 1762.25
44 Luis Juarez fix bug on mobile to do list where all tasks are showing complete @2023-05-19 00:38:38 2023-05-22 20:14:53 5496.25
43 Luis Juarez Create a stats page to track total completes, average time to complete, and pending items. @2023-05-14 01:19:28 2023-07-30 14:11:42 111652.23333333
41 Admin Testing the admin role of the author functionality @2023-05-14 01:01:31 2023-05-14 01:01:40 0.15
40 Luis Juarez Testing the new Author functionality @2023-05-14 01:01:02 2023-05-14 01:01:39 0.61666666666667
39 Luis Juarez Add sort functionality to the task list @2023-05-14 00:22:53 2023-05-14 01:15:10 52.283333333333
38 Luis Juarez Update light/dark switch on home page to use svg toggle component @2023-05-14 00:21:15 2023-07-10 12:57:16 82836.016666667
37 Luis Juarez Add Reminder functionality with email and SMS for open To Do items @2023-05-13 22:53:04 2023-07-10 12:57:13 82924.15
33 Luis Juarez Learn Composure by August Burns Red on guitar @2023-04-22 13:43:48 2023-05-14 11:10:20 31526.533333333
32 Luis Juarez Bundle this project up for Open Source and write up a how to guide @2023-04-21 00:46:56 2023-07-28 13:56:30 141909.56666667
31 Luis Juarez Improve the UI for creating a log to include a dropdown for who is creating the log, this could be useful for teams who want to share a log @2023-04-21 00:46:38 2023-05-14 01:01:43 33135.083333333
30 Luis Juarez Improve the current radio button styling to be toggle switches @2023-04-21 00:45:53 2023-05-14 00:47:29 33121.6
27 Luis Juarez This is a task item @2023-04-21 00:41:30 2023-04-21 00:42:50 1.3333333333333
25 Luis Juarez Test to make sure the Log is working @2023-04-21 00:37:42 2023-04-21 01:04:02 26.333333333333
24 Luis Juarez New TODO item @2023-04-20 23:16:13 2023-04-21 00:36:34 80.35
23 Luis Juarez Going to update this log page to enable a todo list @2023-04-20 00:31:32 2023-04-21 00:00:00 1408.4666666667